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St. Lucia

St. Lucia is a tropical Caribbean island located 1300 miles south of Florida and 100 miles to the northwest of Barbados. The main currency is the Eastern Caribbean Dollar (EC). The native language is English. St. Lucia is an independent member of the British Commonwealth, with a tradition of separation of powers between the judicial system and the political directorate. St. Lucia has a history of being a stable and safe democracy. Below is some of the characteristics for an International Business Company ("IBC"):


  • Business Legislation
  • Banking and Professional Services
  • Taxation
  • Shareholders
  • Directors
  • Reporting Requirements
  • Restrictions on Name and Activity
  • Local Requirements
  • Company Mobility 

Business Legislation

The IBC Act is a modern flexible piece of legislation that offers some of the best advantages available in the industry. It is based on other known regional models and has been modified to ensure effective regulation. The Act provides for confidentiality of shareholders, directors and officers; only the Memorandum and Articles of Association, the Registered Agent and Registered Office are matters of public record. 

Banking and Professional Services

A full range of legal, accounting, management and trust company services are available. Some of the international financial institutions are represented include: Barclays Bank Plc, Royal Band of Canada, Bank of Nova Scotia and the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce. 


No taxes for nonresident companies. An International Business Companies can elect to pay no tax or 1% of profits. 


A minimum of one shareholder is required and either registered or bearer shares may be issued. There is no disclosure of shareholders. Shareholders meetings are required when directors determine it is necessary. 


There are no minimum of directors required and a resident director is not required. Bearer shares are not allowed. Directors meetings are only required when directors determine it necessary. 

Reporting Requirements

Annual Returns are not required. 

Name Restrictions

Sensitive words such as "Banking", "Insurance" and "Fund" will not be allowed without relevant license. 

Local Requirements

All companies must have a registered office and registered agent in St. Lucia. 

Company Mobility

Asset security is provided through the ability to transfer domiciles.

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